1.To review vocabulary and subjunctive for discussing the environment
2. To select a topic for research
. Pre-activity: To think about: What is the subjunctive? How is it formed? When is it used?
II. Activity: Practicing vocabulary and subjunctive for talking about the envirornment
A. Complete all 7 exercises from Soyons Raisonables- Should finish by the end of the period.
B. Complete the Activités Internet for Chapitre 3 (You should download the PDF first and copy into a Word document) (A-C only) - We will complete this tomorrow- don't worry if you don't get to finish this part.
Here are some possible topics for environement problems:
1.) Le Changement climatique (l’effet de serre, les glaciers, l’ours polaire, opinion- Vrai? Faux?, la technologie, Protocole de Kyoto, “Une Verité qui dérange,” etc.)
2.) L’Énergie (propre, sale, renouvelable, énergie indépendante, énergie solaire & énergie éolienne, utilsation du charbon, gaspillage d’électricité, etc)
3.) Le Gaspillage (décharges publiques [dumps], recyclage, culture de consommation, etc.)
4.) L’Eau (pollution, réserves, gaspillage, etc.)
5.) La Nourriture (réserves, gaspillage, consommation, distribution, végetarien v. carnivore, la chasse, etc.)
6.) La Consommation (gaspillage, nations industrialisés v. tiers monde [third world], durabilité [sustainability], etc.)
7.) La Terre (érosion, déforestation, glaciers, parcs nationaux, pollution, etc.)
8.) Les Écosystèmes, les Espèces menacées (animaux, espèces indicateures, plantes, etc.)
9.) La Santé (OGM [GMO], super-insèctes & mauvaises herbes, effets du lait de soja, etc.)
III. Post activity- As a comment to this post, list the environement issue you plan to research. Also, tell what two things went well and what you would have done differently.
Send your greetings to COP15
During the UN Climate Change Conference 2009 (COP15), the Danish government invites the entire world to send their greetings to the conference. Greetings are submitted through www.greetings.cop15.dk and are composed of 150 characters of text.
The Climate Greetings will be shown on large screens throughout COP15 as well as at various other venues in Denmark and around the world
Click here to see the greetings
Click here to send your own greeting